Thursday 4 April 2013

Stephen Fry and depression

This is a bit of a rambled post thrown together, for that I apologise.

"To me mood is the equivalent of weather. Weather is real. That’s the important thing to remember about weather. It is absolutely real. When it rains it rains. It is wet. You get wet. There is no question about it. It’s also true about weather that you can’t control it. You can’t say if I wish hard enough it won’t rain and it’s equally true that if the weather is bad one day it will get better and what I had to learn was to treat my moods like the weather. On the one hand denying that they were there and saying I can’t… I’m not really depressed. Why should I be depressed? I’ve got enough money. I’ve got a job. People like me. There is no to be depressed. That’s at stupid as saying there is no reason to have asthma or there is no reason to have the measles."

- Stephen Fry


I find this quote by Stephen Fry (for those who don't know, he's pretty famous, pretty nifty and also a manic depressive/has bipolar disorder) to be so SO accurate and true. I just want to scream it at people who shrug off depression and mood disorders or ANY illness that isn't "physical".

I AM SICK. I can't just stop being sick because I really really really want it to go away and I wish that people would understand that. Through what feels like most of my life I've been unwell, there was no "good reason" for me to get sick. Some circumstances may have contributed to it, but nothing set in stone... I'm just sick.

So why am I unwell? Because I am. It's just there. Nothing will make my illness go away. It will waiver and change like the weather, storms and sunny days.

I have friends and family who are depressed for "no good reason". So what? Do you need a good reason to catch a cold? No, so you don't need one to suffer with depression either. To people who know someone who is depressed for "no good reason", don't ever tell them that. Depression and so many other illnesses are soul consuming and they don't need people attacking their inability to "get over" an illness.

Rage over. Wish people would treat all psychological/invisible illnesses the same as they do with most physical illnesses... with respect and some consideration that the person is suffering and don't need more grief from you.

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